Young Adult and Middle School Author, Fulbright Scholar
Marina Budhos is an author of several award-winning books of fiction and nonfiction. Her newest young adult novel, We Are All We Have, follows Rania, a teenage asylum seeker whose dreams are shattered, and she takes to the open road, seeking sanctuary, love, and the truth behind family secrets.
Prior to that she published The Long Ride, about three mixed race girls during a 1970s integration struggle; Watched, which takes on surveillance in a post 9/11 era, and received an Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature YA Honor (APALA) and an Honor for The Walter Award (We Need Diverse Books); Tell Us We’re Home, Ask Me No Questions, recipient of the first James Cook Teen Book Award, an ALA Best Book and Chicago Library’s Best of the Best, The Professor of Light and House of Waiting.
Marina also published nonfiction, including Eyes of the World: Robert Capa, Gerda Taro & The Invention of Modern Photojournalism co-authored with husband Marc Aronson, about a photography couple that took powerful images of the Spanish Civil War and helped give birth to bearing witness through photography. Eyes of the World was a 2017 YALSA Finalist in Nonfiction. Their previous book, Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom & Science, was a 2010 Los Angeles Times Book Award Finalist and a YALSA Finalist in Nonfiction, and Remix: Conversations with Immigrant Teenagers.
Marina Budhos has been a Fulbright Scholar to India, received an NEA Literature Fellowship, a Rona Jaffe Award for Women Writers, and three Fellowships from the New Jersey Council on the Arts. She frequently gives talks throughout the country and abroad."